Project Request Form

Information about requesting a Kubernetes Project

Any institution or work group at the University of Münster can request a Kubernetes project.

For this purpose, this project application must be filled out. The application itself is in YAML format. Further explanations about the individual fields can be found in the file itself.

In the application form, among other things, quotas are recorded, which are limits for the new project to be created. Resources can be created within these boundaries. The specified quotas can and should include some leeway for testing and updates.

The completed file should be emailed to Make sure to use your university email account and that your email is digitally signed with your personal certificate. If you do not have a personal certificate yet, you will find instructions on how to request and use one here. If Outlook is your mail client of choice, note, that the default SHA1 hashing algorithm is considered insecure by modern cryptographic libraries, and will therefore be rejected by our ticket system (as well as most other email clients). Search for the keywords Hashalgorithmus / hash algorithm in these instructions, to find step by step instructions on how to correct this. Project applications may take up to one week to process.